Pulmonary leukostasis as a complication of leukemia

  • Pantaree Aswanetmanee
  • Hawa Edriss
  • Chok Limsuwat


Multiple acute pulmonary complications occur in patients with hematologic malignancies. They might be associated with the disease itself, with complications from treatment, or with the consequences of an impaired immune status. Pulmonary leukostasis is one of the most common life-threatening complications in patients with hyperleukocytosis. The risk of this condition is higher in myeloid leukemia with white blood cell counts greater than 100,000 /µL. Leukostasis is a diagnostic challenge for clinicians due to non-specific symptoms and radiographic presentation. Definitive treatment of pulmonary leukostasis is still controversial; however, early detection and treatment by cytoreduction may improve outcomes.


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How to Cite
Aswanetmanee, P., Edriss, H., & Limsuwat, C. (2015). Pulmonary leukostasis as a complication of leukemia. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles, 3(10), 17-22. Retrieved from https://pulmonarychronicles.com/index.php/pulmonarychronicles/article/view/197