Navigating a Candida albicans liver abscess case in an immunocompromised patient

Letisha Mirembe MD, Gutal Abhijit MD, FACP, FIDSA


This case report describes a rare instance of Candida albicans liver abscess in a 46-year-old immunocompromised man with extensive medical history. The report underscores the diagnostic challenges in such atypical presentations and emphasizes the critical role of a multidisciplinary approach for effective management.

Keywords: Candida albicans, hepatic abscess

Article citation: Mirembe L, Abhijit G. Navigating a Candida albicans liver abscess case in an immunocompromised patient. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2024;12(52):37–39
From: Department of Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, Texas
Submitted: 6/5/2024
Accepted: 6/26/2024
Conflicts of interest: none
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