Selected news items and updates for the practicing clinician

Zachary Mulkey MDa

Correspondence to Zachary Mulkey MD. Email: zachary.mulkey @ttuhsc.edu

+ Author Affiliation - Author Affiliation
aDepartment of Internal Medicine, TTUHSC, Lubbock, TX.

SWRCCC 2014;2(6):64.


• Poisonings due to ingestion of nicotine fluids intended for use in electronic cigarettes are being reported more frequently. More than half of reports involved children under the age of 5.

• Mortality from sepsis has improved so much in the last 15 years that some think it’s time to choose a new measure of quality.

• Unsurprisingly, a report has linked secondhand smoke exposure to higher risks of spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and ectopic pregnancy. Surprisingly, some of the odds ratios seem to indicate that secondhand smoke exposure is associated with a higher risk of these adverse outcomes than primary cigarette use. Check out tables 2 through 5.

• Special sleep medicine report: A collection of recorded dream reports or somniloquies by the late Dion McGregor is being released as an album. Here is an interview about the topic with two sleep medicine psychologists.