Confusion matrix

Shengping Yang PhD, Gilbert Berdine MD

Corresponding author: Shengping Yang
Contact Information:
DOI: 10.12746/swrccc.v12i53.1391

I am evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of an assay for COVID-19 diagnosis, and our team is developing a confusion matrix for this analysis. Could you explain the key considerations when using a confusion matrix for this purpose?

In biomedical research, particularly when evaluating diagnostic tests or predictive models, performance metrics are essential for assessing the effectiveness of assays or classification systems. One commonly used tool is a contingency table, which displays the frequency distribution of categorical variables. A confusion matrix is a specialized form of a contingency table used to assess the performance of classification algorithms by showing the actual versus predicted outcomes. It is particularly useful for evaluating key metrics such as sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and precision, which are crucial for interpreting the performance of diagnostic tests.


A confusion matrix is a specific type of two-dimensional contingency table used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. Its two dimensions, “actual” and “predicted,” represent identical sets of “classes” (e.g., disease positive and disease negative), allowing for a direct comparison between actual and predicted outcomes.1,2

Specifically, in a confusion matrix, each row represents an actual class, while each column represents a predicted class (or vice versa). The diagonal cells represent correctly predicted outcomes, while the off-diagonal cells represent misclassifications. The matrix provides a clear visualization of where the model confuses different classes, which is why it is called a confusion matrix.

Table 1 provides an example of a confusion matrix, where the rows represent actual conditions, and the columns represent predicted conditions. The matrix contains four key components: True Positives (TP): The model predicts positive, and the actual condition is positive; False Negatives (FN): The model predicts negative, but the actual condition is positive; False Positives (FP): The model predicts positive, but the actual condition is negative; True Negatives (TN): The model predicts negative, and the actual condition is negative. Furthermore, the sums of these components define: Actual positive cases (P) = TP + FN; Actual negative cases (N) = FP + TN; Predicted positive cases (PP) = TP + FP; Predicted negative cases (PN) = FN + TN.

Table 1. An Example Confusion Matrix

Positive (PP) Negative (PN)
Actual Positive (P) True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
Negative (N) False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)

While the confusion matrix presents data in a straightforward manner, several important metrics can be derived from it to assess the performance of a diagnostic test or predictive model.


Commonly used metrics that can be derived from a confusion matrix include.2,3

Table 2. An Example of an Imbalanced Dataset

Positive (PP) Negative (PN)
Actual Positive (P) 0 10
Negative (N) 0 990

Table 3. An Example of Test Results for a Rare (Low Prevalence) Disease

Positive (PP) Negative (PN)
Actual Positive (P) 90 (100 × 90%) 10
Negative (N) 99 9,801 (9,900 × 99%)

There are other metrics, such as the F1 Score, the Fowlkes-Mallows Index, and the Matthews Cor­relation Coefficient, etc.5 However, these will not be discussed in detail.


There are many applications of a confusion matrix in biomedical research:


There are challenges in determining the best application of a confusion matrix in biomedical research.

Additional challenges include threshold tuning and multi-class classification. These issues must be addressed with careful consideration of the specific diseases or conditions being evaluated in clinical practice.


Both the confusion matrix and the ROC curve are essential tools for evaluating classifier performance, but they serve different purposes. The confusion matrix offers insights into performance at specific decision points, detailing metrics such as precision, sensitivity, and accuracy at a particular threshold. In contrast, the ROC curve plots sensitivity against the FPR (1–specificity), at various classification thresholds, which summarizes performance across all possible thresholds, providing a broader perspective on how effectively the classifier distinguishes between positive and negative classes.12 Importantly, both sensitivity and FPR used in ROCs can be derived from a confusion matrix. In this sense, the confusion matrix and the ROC curve complement each other in evaluating the performance of a diagnostic tool.

In summary, the confusion matrix is an important tool for evaluating diagnostic tests/tools performances, particularly in healthcare and biomedical research. While it provides straightforward metrics for assessing the performance of such tests/tools, the interpretation of these metrics can sometimes be misleading, especially in the context of rare diseases. Nevertheless, confusion matrices are increasingly used in many areas of biomedical research including personalized medicine, explainable artificial intelligence modeling, etc.


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Article citation: Yang S, Berdine G. Confusion matrix. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2024;12(53):75–79
From: Department of Biostatistics (SY), Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA; Department of Internal Medicine (GB), Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
Submitted: 10/9/2024
Accepted: 10/10/2024
Conflicts of interest: none
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.