
Average volume-assured pressure support

Abdurahim Aloud MD

Corresponding author: Abdurahim Aloud
Contact Information: Abdurahim.aloud@ttuhsc.edu
DOI: 10.12746/swrccc.v6i22.438


Average volume-assured pressure support (AVAPS) is a relatively new mode of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NiPPV); only a few studies have been done to compare its effectiveness and safety to bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) in chronic respiratory failure secondary to obesity hypoventilation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and neuromuscular disorders with respiratory muscle weakness. Only six studies were found in PubMed, and these studies had many limitations, especially small sample sizes. This review provides detailed summaries of these studies. These devices require more investigation.

Keywords: non-invasive ventilation, pressure support, average volume-assured pressure support, obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, COPD, hypercapnia


Average volume-assured pressure support (AVAPS) and intelligent VAPS (iVAPS) are forms of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NiPPV) that adjust the pressure support (PS) to maintain a target average ventilation over several breaths. Both AVAPS and iVAPS adjust PS and the respiratory rate to reach a defined target with the goal of stabilizing the PaCO2, which relates directly to alveolar ventilation.1

With a target tidal volume (e.g., AVAPS), if there is a variance in the respiratory mechanics, especially compliance, which in turn can change the tidal volume, there can be fluctuations in the alveolar ventilation and thus PaCO2. By targeting the estimated alveolar ventilation (minute ventilation–estimated dead space ventilation; e.g., iVAPS), variations in respiratory mechanics should not affect alveolar ventilation or PaCO2 as long as the estimated dead space equals physiologic dead space. The device estimates the anatomic dead space using height. However, patients with lung diseases, such as emphysema, have increased physiologic dead space that would be underestimated using their height, and thus their alveolar ventilation might be much lower than the estimated alveolar ventilation. Thus, emphysema patients may require a higher target alveolar ventilation to achieve adequate alveolar ventilation. The “height” can be entered artificially high in emphysema patients to provide a calculated dead space closer to their physiologic dead space, and iVAPS will provide the desired alveolar ventilation.

Average volume-assured pressure support targets an average tidal volume over several breaths. Typically, the target tidal volume is set based on 6–10 mL/kg ideal body weight. It calculates the average PS provided to the patient over the prior 2 minutes to achieve a particular tidal volume. If average recent ventilation is less than the target volume, inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) for the next breath is increased. Pressure support will change at a rate of 2 cm H2O/minute if there is unstable breathing and 1 cm H2O/minute if there is stable breathing. The AVAPS-AE model can set a maximum rate of pressure change from 1 cm H2O/minute to 5 cm H2O/minute. Expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) is fixed with AVAPS, but AVAPS-AE adjusts EPAP as well. Average volume-assured pressure support uses either a fixed rate or auto backup rate set at 2 breaths per minute lower than the rate of the last six spontaneous breaths.

This mode of ventilation can help patients with respiratory insufficiency due to neuromuscular and restrictive disorders in which the respiratory effort varies during sleep,2 patients who need NiPPV during the day, patients with COPD at risk for hypoventilation, and patients with obesity hypoventilation (OHS) who may need compensation based on position and/or sleep stage changes. Because many patients have much worse hypoventilation in REM, BiPAP with fixed PS may provide too much pressure in NREM, which may lead to intolerance or complex sleep apnea and may not provide enough PS in REM to control PaCO2 levels.

The theoretical benefits of VAPS over BiPAP include maintaining volumes in the setting of altered patient effort based on sleep stage or altered lung mechanics related to position. Less PS while awake may increase comfort and aid sleep onset, reduce the risk of barotrauma, and provide lower pressures most of the time. A randomized trial of iVAPS vs BiPAP found that iVAPS delivered a lower mean PS for oxygenation and transcutaneous PaCO2 levels and promoted better adherence than BiPAP.3

This literature review provides a detailed summary of studies with AVAPS in patients with chronic respiratory failure, OHS, and COPD with acute hypercapneic exacerbations (also see Table).

Author Study goal Design Study subjects Results Conclusions Limitations*
To study the effects of NIV-PS vs AVAPS on sleep efficiency in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency
Single-blind, randomized, cross-over, prospective trial 28 patients with CRF (OHS/OSA, COPD, NMD) who were currently receiving home ventilation (BiPAP) for at least 2 months and adherent to such therapy (4 h per night) Neither BiPAP nor AVAPS significantly modified sleep architecture, quality, or quantity. In patients with CRF, AVAPS was comparable to BiPAP therapy with regard to sleep, but increased the minute ventilation. Significance was uncertain. The higher Vt in the AVAPS group might reflect a poor choice of fixed PS in the BiPAP group.
The difficulty of matching disease type and severity since the inclusion criteria were so broad.
To study the physiological and clinical effects of AVAPS in OHS patients who did not respond to therapy with CPAP.
Prospective randomized crossover trial 10 patients age 53.5 ± 11.7 years; BMI 41.6 ± 12.1 kg/m2; transcutaneous PCO2 58 ± 12 mmHg Sleep quality & gas exchange improved during BPV-S/T therapy, but patients remained hypercapnic overnight. The addition of AVAPS to BPV-S/T significantly decreased PaCO2, but it did not improve sleep quality. BPV-S/T substantially improved oxygenation, sleep quality, and HRQL in patients with OHS. AVAPS provided additional benefits on ventilation quality, thus resulting in a decrease of PaCO2. However, this did not provide further improvement in sleep quality. The higher tidal volume in the AVAPS group might reflect a poor choice of the IPAP setting in the BiPAP group.
To evaluate night-time efficacy, compliance, & physiological responses to AVAPS versus PS ventilation.
Single-blind, randomized, crossover study Nine stable hypercapnic COPD patients were prescribed AVAPS or PS ventilation by mask over two 5-day periods during consecutive weeks. Measurements were similar between the two treatment periods at baseline. PaCO2 and comfort improved with both modalities; the SE score significantly improved with AVAPS. No difference in mean usage was found between the two modalities. AVAPS is as comfortable and effective as PS at reducing respiratory acidosis but produces better perceived SE in stable hypercapnic COPD patients.  
Does the addition of volume-targeted (NIV) to standard fixed bi-level pressure support (PS) improve physiological and clinical outcomes in the treatment of stable obesity hypoventilation syndrome?
Patients with OHS were enrolled in a two-center prospective single-blind randomized controlled trial of AVAPS versus fixed-level PS using a strict protocolized setup. 50 patients (BMI 50 ± 7 kg/m2; age 55 ± 11 years; 53% men; mean PaCO2 of 52 mmHg, SRI of 53 ± 17) were enrolled. 46 patients (23 AVAPS and 23 PS) completed the trial. At 3 months, improvements in PaCO2 & SRI score were observed in both groups. Secondary analysis of both groups combined showed improvements in daytime physical activity and a reduction in fat mass. The study demonstrated no differences between AVAPS and fixed-level PS modes using a strict protocolized setup in patients who were super obese. The data suggest that the management of sleep-disordered breathing may enhance daytime activity and promote weight loss in super-obese patients.  
To assess the use of AVAPS in patients with COPD exacerbation and hypercapnic encephalopathy as compared to BiPAP S/T alone, upon immediate arrival in the Emergency-ICU.
Prospective interventional match-controlled study that was done in Ecuador. 22 patients, 11 with COPD exacerbations & hypercapnic encephalopathy (GCS <10 and a pH of 7.25-7.35) managed with AVAPS. 11 patients selected as paired controls and managed with BiPAP S/T. There was a statistically significant differences in favor of the AVAPS group in GCS. However, no significant differences in length of stay or days on NIV were observed. AVAPS facilitates rapid recovery of consciousness when compared to traditional BiPAP S/T in patients with acute COPD exacerbation and hypercapnic encephalopathy. The differences between AVAPS and BiPAP could reflect a poor choice in BiPAP parameters.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of AVAPS in patients with kyphoscoliotic chronic respiratory failure.
12 patients (age 49 ± 11 yr, BMI 27.5 ± 7.9) with advanced kyphoscoliosis complicated by severe respiratory failure The patients were treated by AVAPS, and the efficacy of AVAPS was evaluated, short-term, after 5 days, and long-term, after 1 year of home treatment. Significant improvement of diurnal PaO2 and PaCO2 on the 5th day of AVAPS and after one year. The FVC increased after 1 year. NIMV was well tolerated. AVAPS improved gas exchange and forced vital capacity in patient with CRF due to kyphoscoliosis  

*All studies have a small sample size and difficulty with blinding patients to treatment modality.

BMI-body mass index; CRF-chronic respiratory failure; yr-year; PS-pressure support

AVAPS-average volume assured pressure support; BiPAP-bilevel positive airway pressure; NIMV-non-invasive mechanical ventilation; GCS-Glasgow coma scale; OSA-obstructive sleep apnea, OHS-obesity hypoventilation syndrome; COPD-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Vt-tidal volume, NMD-neuromuscular disease, SE-sleep efficiency, SRI-severe respiratory insufficiency.

Study # 1-Sleep and non-invasive ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency2

Study goals




Study # 2-Average volume-assured pressure support in obesity hypoventilation3

Study Goals




Study # 3-Subjective sleep quality during AVAPS ventilation in patients with hypercapnic COPD: a physiological pilot study4

Study Goals




Study # 4-Volume targeted versus pressure support non-invasive ventilation in patients with “super” obesity and chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial5

Study Goals




Study # 5-Noninvasive mechanical ventilation with AVAPS in patients with COPD and hypercapnic encephalopathy6

Study Goals




Study # 6-Efficacy of AVAPS in patients with chronic respiratory failure due to kyphoscoliosis7

Study Goals





These six studies included 127 patients who were managed with either AVAPS or BiPAP or both modes of non-invasive ventilation (See Table for summary of study results).

For Outpatient management: There was no difference between the two modalities in improving sleeping efficiency and HRQL in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency due to OHS with or without OSA, COPD, and neuromuscular disease. There was no difference in mean usage between the two modalities. Mask AVAPS was as comfortable and as effective as PS at reducing respiratory acidosis in stable hypercapnic COPD patients. There were no differences between using AVAPS and fixed-level PS mode in patients who were “super” obese. AVAPS provided additional benefits on ventilation quality, thus resulting in a more efficient decrease of PaCO2. However, this did not provide further clinical benefits in sleep quality and HRQL, and this result has uncertain significance.

For Inpatient management: In patients with acute COPD exacerbation and hypercapnic encephalopathy, AVAPS facilitates rapid improvement in the level of consciousness when compared to traditional BiPAP S/T. However, no significant differences in length of stay or days on NIV were observed. AVAPS is a safe strategy of noninvasive ventilatory treatment in patients with exacerbations of COPD and hypercapnic encephalopathy (GCS < 10). These studies do not identify a clinical scenario in which AVAPS has a definite advantage when compared to bi-level pressure support. Patients managed with non-invasive mechanical ventilation need careful monitoring with defined clinical goals to improve outcomes. The exact mode may be less important.

Criticisms common to all these studies include the small sample size and the difficulty with blinding patients to the treatment modality. The higher tidal volumes in the AVAPS groups may not reflect an advantage of AVAPS but rather a poor choice of fixed pressure support in the BiPAP group.


1. For Outpatient management: AVAPS is as safe and as effective as BiPAP but is not superior to it in the management of outpatients with chronic respiratory insufficiency due to OHS with or without OSA, COPD, and neuromuscular disease.

2. For Inpatient management: AVAPS might be preferred over BiPAP for patients with acute COPD exacerbation and hypercapnic encephalopathy as it facilitates more rapid improvement in the level of consciousness.


  1. Johnson KG. Treatment of sleep disordered breathing with positive airway pressure devices: technology update. Med Devices (Auckl) 2015 Oct 23;8:425–37.
  2. Ambrogio C. Sleep and non-invasive ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency. Intensive Care Med 2009 Feb;35(2):306–13.
  3. Storre JH. Average volume-assured pressure support in obesity hypoventilation: A randomized crossover trial. Chest 2006 Sep;130(3):815–21.
  4. Crisafulli E. Subjective sleep quality during average volume assured pressure support (AVAPS) ventilation in patients with hypercapnic COPD: A physiological pilot study. Lung 2009 Sep-Oct;187(5):299–305.
  5. Murphy PB. Volume targeted versus pressure support non-invasive ventilation in patients with super obesity and chronic respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Thorax 2012 Aug;67(8):727–34.
  6. Briones Claudett KH, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation with AVAPS in patients with COPD and hypercapnic encephalopathy. BMC Pulm Med 2013 Mar 12;13:12. doi: 10.1186/1471-2466-13-12.
  7. Piesiak P. Efficacy of noninvasive volume targeted ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure due to kyphoscoliosis. Adv Exp Med Biol 2015;838:53–8.

Article citation: Aloud A. Average volume-assured pressure support. The Southwest respiratory and Critical care chronicles 2018;6(22):29–37.
From: The Department of Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX
Submitted: 11/20/2017
Accepted: 1/6/2018
Reviewer: Gilbert Berdine MD
Conflicts of interest: none