APPENDIX A. Resident Survey

EBM Surgery Clerkship - Resident

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Q1. Resident Survey

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Cenber (TTUHSC) School of Medicine and campus libraries are conducting research on (EBM) clerkships. This survey seeks to assess the quality of EBM education during third-year medical school rotations.

You have been selected to participate in this study because your input is valued by members of the TTUHSC School of Medicine and its affiliated research partners.

Completing all the questionnaires will take about 15–20 minutes of your time. Individual responses will be anonymous and confidential.

Please remember:

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Q2. Are you a graduate of the TTUHSC School of Medicine?

    ∘ Yes (1)

    ∘ No (2)

Q3. Were you previously enrolled in the Evidence-Based Medicine Surgery Clerkship at TTUHSC?

    ∘ Yes (1)

    ∘ No (2)

Q4. Are you currently a clinical resident within a clinical department at Texas Tech or another location?

    ∘ Yes (1)

    ∘ No (2)

Q5. When presented with a patient, problem, or clinical question, how would you rate your skills in formulating a relevant clinical question?

    ∘ Minimal (1)

    ∘ Below Average (2)

    ∘ Average (3)

    ∘ Above Average (4)

    ∘ Outstanding (5)

Q6. For a specific clinical question, how would you rate your skills for finding the best clinical evidence to answer the question?

    ∘ Minimal (1)

    ∘ Below Average (2)

    ∘ Average (3)

    ∘ Above Average (4)

    ∘ Outstanding (5)

Q7. What specific tools do you normally use to access needed evidence?

Please rank by most utilized.

__________ Research Databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, etc.) (1)

__________ Point-of-Care Tools (Dynamed Plus, UpToDate, etc.) (2)

__________ Web Resources (Google, Wiki, Medscape, etc.) (3)

__________ Other (4)

Q8. How would you rate your skills in appraising the evidence for validity, applicability, and reliability?

    ∘ Minimal (1)

    ∘ Below Average (2)

    ∘ Average (3)

    ∘ Above Average (4)

    ∘ Outstanding (5)

Q9. How much do you attribute your own EBM knowledge to prior training during undergraduate medical education?

    ∘ None at all (1)

    ∘ To Some Extent (2)

    ∘ Quite a bit (3)

    ∘ Very much so (4)

Q10. What skills did the EBM Surgery Clerkship provide you with that you still use?

    ∘ Understanding Study Types (1)

    ∘ Understanding Levels of Evidence (2)

    ∘ Question formulation (3)

    ∘ Resource selection & Database Searching (4)

    ∘ Evidence Appraisal (5)

    ∘ Other (6) ____________________

Q11. What other comments do you have on the EBM Clerkship? What recommendations might you make for its improvement?







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Q12. Your responses are very valuable to us. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

Please do not forget to click on the SUBMIT SURVEY button below.

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